Wednesday 27 September 2006

Back in Time

Roving Medievalist tagged me a week or so ago with the question: if an angel could take me back in time, what five things or occasions would I like to experience? Ignoring Biblical events - and thinking very much on the spur of the moment - an interesting itinerary for time travel might be:
  1. St Augustine's first meeting with King St Ethelbert on the Isle of Thanet (Kent), 597.
  2. A day trip to either London or Oxford around the year 1500 to visit the churches and religious houses on the eve of the Reformation.
  3. Hear Palestrina conduct the Sistine Choir, Monteverdi direct Vespers at San Marco or Farinelli sing.
  4. Sit in choir at Frascati Cathedral for the enthronement of Henry Stuart [above], the Cardinal Duke of York and son of 'James III' (who sat in state on the sanctuary) in 1761. The fountains in the town square flowed with red wine afterwards.
  5. Be present at Newman's 'Second Spring' Sermon at Oscott in 1852.

Now I'm supposed to pass this 'meme' on - so, if they read this, I will challenge Hermeneutic of Continuity, Valle Adurni, Joee Blogs, Cally's Kitchen and Ignatius Paul. It would be intriguing to see what they propose...


  1. Challenge accepted! In return, perhaps you might care to think of the five people from history you would like to spend an evening with…


  2. Anonymous12:32 am

    Red wine? In Frascati?!
