Wednesday 21 March 2007

Lourdes - A Place of Pilgrimage

The Archdiocese of Westminster has made its first contribution to You Tube: a well-made six minute feature on the diocesan pilgrimage to Lourdes, including reflections by the Cardinal and various pilgrims. If this inspires you to join the diocese at the shrine, then click here.


  1. Anonymous10:45 am

    dear Fr,

    Would you mind adding my blog to your links? i just posted something re Lourdes..

    God bless

  2. Anonymous10:23 pm

    Father, I love you blog because of the old tat you post day after day but. honestly, I loved this clip of Lourdes best of all because it represents something real. It came as quite a relief to see no lace, no birettas, no soutanes, no watered silk cinctures, no Latin vestments, and priests who were ordinary and getting on with the job. Above all, it was the pilgrims, young people, the sick and that small server walking with sticks that did it for me. Quite a change from Pius XII and ceremonies that these days look like the opera buffa. I expect you've been watching the inaugural Mass of John XXIII on Valle Adernum. So have I and though I am enjoying every minute it doesn't do the same as this video of Lourdes. With the best will in the world I don't want all that back. Thanks for posting it.

  3. Anonymous7:33 pm

    Thank you, thank you, thank you, Fr Nicholas, for posting this beautiful clip of Lourdes. For me it's like heaven in earth. I almost felt I was there.

  4. So glad you enjoyed it - I hope the diocese will produce other interesting features.

  5. Anonymous12:20 pm

    Yes, as Veronica says, Lourdes is like heaven on earth, and, as Convert Spike observes, its real.
