Sunday 29 April 2007

Great St George

I was away from blogging on the Solemnity of St George, but as we come to the end of the Octave (!) I thought I'd better pay tribute to our glorious patron. I can think of no better way of doing this than by posting some photos that I took last week in the church of St George in Amberg.

I particularly liked the early eighteenth century frescoes on the walls of the nave showing examples of St George's powerful intercession - the usual stuff (sickness, fire, death, etc) but also various military situations involving the great enemy of Christian Europe at the time: the Ottoman Turks. The first fresco, with the inscription Ecclesiae Tropoeophorus Tuetur - in Duello, shows a 'duel' between a Christian knight and a Turk:

This fresco, in pugna navali, shows St George using what looks like thunderbolts against the Turks at Lepanto (1571):

Finally, this one, in obsidione, refers to the Siege of Vienna (1683), again showing St George's assistance:
Great St George, our patron, help us,
In the conflict be thou nigh;
Help us in that daily battle,
Where each one must win or die.


  1. Anonymous1:30 pm

    A phantastic blog, both sophisticated and enjoyable. Keep at it!

  2. Anonymous6:09 pm

    Fr. Nicholas

    Could you explain to me what the yellow and white bunting signifies? I have seen it in photos of an American church recently also, but I have never actually seen this in person here in the States. Someone suggested that perhaps it is something that one does for Easter. If so, does it go up at the Vigil and come down before Pentecost? Any info you have on this tradition would be much appreciated.

  3. I don't have an exact answer. I saw it on my last trip to Bavaria, which was outside of Eastertide. Perhaps the yellow and white is a tribute to the Bavarian Pope? Any other ideas?
